On June 28-30, 2024, anti-war and democratic communities of Russians are holding a global action "My Russia is in jail".
The action is timed to coincide with the date of the arrest of Ilya Yashin, a Russian opposition politician. On June 27, 2022, he was detained by police in Moscow, then arrested. In December of that year, Ilya was sentenced to eight and a half years in a penal colony under the non-legal article on "dissemination of knowingly false information about the use of the Russian Armed Forces".
On June 28-30, we are demonstrating in our cities around the world to protest against Putin's policies: the war he has unleashed in Ukraine and the establishment of a dictatorship in Russia, reinforced by laws aimed at suppressing opponents of the war and the regime. We strive to draw public attention to the rise in illegal detentions in Russia and to publicly support all Russian political prisoners, as well as all people who, despite repression, the threat of fines, arrests, and prison sentences, continue to oppose the illegitimate government in a totalitarian state and fight for the future of our country.
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*The table shows the local time
The global action is prepared, coordinated and implemented by the initiative of united Russian activists around the world and is not a project of any existing organization or structure.

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